The skin is the largest organ in the body and many of us take it for granted. Understanding how it works will help you make better product and nutrition choices.
Most importantly, the skin makes us look the way we do and we wear it every day. I meet lots of women who would happily pay out for a new pair of shoes, or dress they may only wear once, but don’t see the benefit in investing in a new skincare routine. I imagine this is because they have tried products in the past but not seen improvements.
This is one of the main reasons you may jump from brand to brand, or get sucked into a new marketing campaign, which promises that you will look 20 years younger or your skin will clear from acne overnight! Then it doesn’t, and you try another skincare brand and on it goes.
The real reason you aren’t seeing improvements in your skin, is because most brands treat the skin superficially and don’t use ingredients, which the skin is made up of.
Your skin isn’t made up of essential oils, deep sea algae, diamonds or gold (you get my point) and although these luxurious ingredients will feel and smell nice, you use up the pot of cream and realise you probably look exactly the same.
This is because the skin can’t absorb everything you put on it. If that were the case, when you had a bath you would balloon up with water and drown.
The skin acts as a barrier and protects everything we have inside from the outside.
Therefore, when you use the ingredients mentioned above, generally they will only absorb into the dead (top layer) of the skin. Unfortunately once a skin cell is dead you can’t improve it!
To create a physical improvement in your skin, the skin needs to be treated like an organ and given the bio-identical forms of ingredients that it should have, or should I say, once had when the skin was younger and healthier.
Some of these key ingredients are vitamins, peptides and proteins.
More on these ingredients soon!
Thanks for reading, Rachel Eve x